Đây là một nguyên tắc cũng được thành lập - tất cả các vận động viên hàng đầu xem mình là thành công và chiến thắng, nó mang lại cho họ rằng cạnh tâm lý. Bằng cách sử dụng khẳng định bạn có thể cung cấp cho mình rằng lợi thế tương tự. Các vòng tròn giải phóng trên trang sau cho bạn thấy làm thế nào khẳng định rõ: "Tôi quyết đoán công trình. Nhận thấy nó không phải là cách | RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES RIGHTS AT WORK Organisational Employee Rights To be trained for what you do To be appraised regularly To know what is expected of you Personal Employee Rights To be treated with respect To be consulted about those aspects of work that affect you To express your views about your work and how it is done To seek improvements in pay and conditions Sometimes statutory obligations will override organisational and personal rights. For instance the organisation and you yourself might be willing to undertake unsafe work practice for increased pay. However statutory obligations will prevent this. Sometimes organisational rights will override personal rights. RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES RIGHTS AT WORK DEALING WITH CHALLENGES 1. Check your statutory rights contact ACAS or The Health and Safety Executive. 2. Check organisational policies. 3. Check on previous precedents arising from similar instances which have occurred in the past. 4. Check with employers organisations on what is best good practice. 5. Check with Trade Union on what is best good practice. 6. Present your findings and your request to management. 7. If you feel dissatisfied use the appeals system. 8. If appropriate seek the assistance of an appropriate third party - ACaS Officer - Health and Safety Officer or Rep - Trade Union Official. RIGHTS RESPONSIBILITIES RESPONSIBILITIES AT WORK Responsibilities also mirror basic rights at work. Here are just some of them To give of your best To attend work at agreed times To act safely To co-operate with reasonable management instructions To follow organisational policies procedures and rules To use tools equipment and resources correctly To co-operate with work colleagues To maintain agreed quality standards and procedures To promote your employer s legitimate commercial interests Responsibilities such as these can be reasonably expected of you at work and you can reasonably expect them of your managers colleagues and .

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