tailieunhanh - Beginning asp net 2.0 with c phần 8

Trong hộp thoại xuất hiện, bạn sẽ thêm ba bước mở rộng. Điều này là vì vậy bạn có năm bước sau: để đăng nhập cho địa chỉ, một cho các chi tiết thẻ tín dụng, để xác nhận đơn đặt hàng, và để kết thúc giao dịch. Bắt đầu bằng cách nhấp vào Add (xem hình 13-35) và nhập tiếp theo Bước 3 để đề. | E-Commerce 4. In the dialog box that appears you are going to add three extra steps. This is so you have five steps one for login one for address one for credit card details one to confirm the order and one to finish the transaction. Start by clicking Add see Figure 13-35 and entering Step 3 next to Title. Then clicking Add again and enter Step 4. Click Add one more time and enter Step 5. Figure 13-35 5. Go back and change the Title property in each so that it reads as shown in Figure 13-36. Figure 13-36 6. Click OK. 7. From the Login section of the Toolbox drag a Login box into the asp Wizard control as shown in Figure 13-37. 507 Chapter 13 Login Login Lisa- Delivery Address Name Payment Password 1 Confirmation Remember me next tune. Complete Log In Toolbox Table E BulletedList ẫ HiddenField Literal Calendar AdRotator tj Fileupload V Wizard 4 Xml CÙ MultfView r 1 Panel Placeholder Õ View Substitution t Data Validation Navigation - Login Pointer - - Its loan jj Loginview iX. PasswordRecovery Figure 13-37 8. Click Source View. Add the following code to the Wizard step for Step 2 Delivery Address asp checkbox id chkUseProfileAddress runat server autopostback True text Use membership address OnCheckedChanged chkUseProfileAddress_CheckedChanged asp checkbox br table border 0 tr td Name td td asp textbox id txtName runat server td tr tr td Address td td asp textbox id txtAddress runat server td tr tr td City td td asp textbox id txtCity runat server td tr tr td County td td asp textbox id txtCounty runat server td tr tr td Postcode td td asp textbox id txtPostCode runat server td tr tr td Country td td asp textbox id txtCountry runat server td tr table 9. Add the following code to the Wizard step for Step 3 Payment asp DropDownList id lstCardType runat server asp ListItem MasterCard asp ListItem asp ListItem Visa asp ListItem asp DropDownList br Card Number asp Textbox id txtNumber runat server Text 0123456789 ReadOnly True br Expires asp textbox id txtExpiresMonth .