tailieunhanh - Building systems for_interior designers phần 4

Nhiệt được cung cấp bởi nước nóng rạng rỡ, chứ không phải hơn không khí buộc. Các bề mặt đã sơn được giảm thiểu, và không có lò sưởi hoặc nướng thịt được phép. Màn cửa sổ tôi không thu thập bụi được cài đặt chứ không phải là màn cửa. | Designing for Indoor Air Quality 125 of metal rather than plywood or oriented strand board OSB . Heat is supplied by radiant hot water rather than forced air. Painted surfaces are minimized and no fireplaces or barbecues are allowed. Window coverings that do not collect dust are installed rather than curtains. The facility includes an airing room where items like newspapers can be hung while ink odors evaporate. INTERIOR DESIGN MATERIALS We have looked at the ways IAQ can become contaminated how that contamination affects building occupants and how the building s design can influence IAQ. Now let s examine how interior construction and furnishing materials relate to issues of indoor air quality. Wall and Ceiling Construction Materials Volatile organic compound emissions from ceiling and wall materials are highest just after installation. Most wall finishes have a slow decay rate emitting VOCs gradually for a prolonged period. Finishes that are applied wet give up their VOCs more quickly and become inert after a shorter ventilation period. Gypsum board may emit a wide range of VOCs including xylenes butylacetate and formaldehyde during an initial outgassing period then continue to emit VOCs at a lower rate for up to seven years. Joint compounds give off formaldehyde toluene ethyl-benzene styrene xylenes and other VOCs. Many ceiling tiles and panels are made of fibers held in formaldehyde-based resin and may emit formaldehyde. Pressed Wood Products Pressed wood products originated in Europe in the 1960s as an alternative to wood furnishings and entered the . market in the 1970s. Pressed wood products Fig. 20-2 include particleboard medium-density fiberboard MDF hardwood plywood chipboard and hardboard such as pegboard. These materials emit VOCs including formaldehyde n-pinene xylenes butanol butyl acetate hexanal and acetone. Chemicals that emit VOCs are used in pressed wood products to provide strength and moisture resistance. Phenol-formaldehyde PF resins resist