tailieunhanh - Báo cáo sinh học: "Potential gain from including major gene information in breeding value estimation"
Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Potential gain from including major gene information in breeding value estimation | Genet Sei Evol 1997 29 161-184 Elsevier INRA 161 Original article Potential gain from including major gene information in breeding value estimation c Larzul1 E Manfredi2 JM Eisen2 1 Station de génétique quantitative et appliquée Institut national de la recherche agronomique 78352 Jouy-en-Josas cedex 2 Institut national de la recherche agronomique station d amelioration génétique des animaux 31320 Castanet-Tolosan France Received 18 March 1996 accepted 11 December 1996 Summary - Two indexes were compared for the selection of a quantitative trait in the case of a mixed inheritance. The first index did not consider the major genotype information standard method whereas the second index took this information into account modified method . Two types of selection scheme were considered individual selection and selection based on a progeny test. The model for the estimation of genetic progress and evolution of allele frequencies takes overlapping generations into account. All of the effects studied suggested a large number of interactions. However it can be concluded that information about the major gene should be put into the selection indexes when the heritability is low the major gene effect high and its initial frequency small in particular for a recessive major gene. The selection pressure has little influence on the results. In the short term the modified method is of more value in the case of individual selection than in the case of selection based on a progeny test. On the whole the extra genetic gain of the modified method is limited and considering the major genotypes in the selection indexes without any change of the selection scheme is probably not the best way to use this information. selection genetic gain major gene Resume Intérêt de 1 inclusion de 1 information au locus majeur dans 1 indice de selection. Le but de I étude est de comparer I application de deux indices dans le cas d une selection sur un caractère quantitatif soumis à I effet d un gène .
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