tailieunhanh - Báo cáo sinh học: " The incidence of polyploidy and mixoploidy in early bovine embryos derived from in vitro fertilization"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: The incidence of polyploidy and mixoploidy in early bovine embryos derived from in vitro fertilization | Genet Sei Evol 1996 28 321-328 Elsevier INRA 321 Original article The incidence of polyploidy and mixoploidy in early bovine embryos derived from in vitro fertilization D Lechniak Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding Agricultural University of Poznan ul Wotynska 33 60-637 Poznan Poland Received 3 November 1995 accepted 24 May 1996 Summary - The present work describes a cytogenetic study of early bovine embryos two to sixteen blastomeres produced in vitro to determine the proportion of embryos carrying chromosome abnormalities. The embryos were produced from follicular oocytes matured in vitro and fertilized by sperm prepared using the swim up method. Slides were prepared according to an air drying method and the chromosomal complement of embryos was studied by Giemsa-staining. Approximately 45 of embryo preparations were suitable for analysis. The results revealed that 23 of cytogenetically analysed embryos were chromosomally abnormal. The abnormalities observed included triploidy tetraploidy mixoploidy and haploidy . The results of this study were compared to the results of other studies with several species. bovine embryo cytogenetic analysis in vitro fertilization mixoploidy polyploidy Resume Incidence de la polyploi die et de la mixoplo idie chez des embryons bovins à un Stade précoce après fecondation in vitro. Dans ce travail on présente une étude cytogénétique des embryons bovins dans leur Stade initial deux à seize blastomeres produits in vitro afin de determiner la proportion d embryons possédant des anomalies chromosomiques. Les embryons ont été obtenus à partir d ovocytes folliculaires mùris in vitro et fecondes par du sperme prepare selon la methode de migration ascendante. On a fait les preparations cytogénétiques en utilisant la méthode du séchage à I air. Les complements chromosomiques ont été étudiés avec la coloration de Giemsa. On a obtenu des résultats analysables sur 45 des embryons. L etude cytogénétique a montré la .