tailieunhanh - Báo cáo sinh học: "Dominant and recessive brown in goats"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Dominant and recessive brown in goats | 117 Genet Sei Evol 1996 28 117-120 Elsevier INRA Note Dominant and recessive brown in goats DP Sponenberg1 c LaMarsh2 1 Virginia-Mary land Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Virginia Tech Blacksburg VA 24061 2 Blue Berry Sunrise Farm Pygmy Goats 14453 s Macksburg Rd Molalla OR 97038 USA Received 2 May 1995 accepted 18 October 1995 Summary - Pygmy goats in the USA occur in a variety of colors including black roan called agouti by breeders and badgerface. In a minority of animals the black areas are replaced by dark brown or medium brown. The colors of kids from matings among black dark-brown and medium-brown goats were observed. The results are consistent with three alleles at the Brown locus dark brown Bd dominant to wild type B which is dominant to medium brown Bb . goat genetics coat color brown Pygmy goat Resume Bruns dominant et recessif chez la chèvre. Les chèvres Pygmy des Etats Unis présentent une variété de couleurs comprenant le noir le rouan appelé agouti par les éleveurs et face de badger face . Chez quelques animaux les zones noires sont remplacées par du bran fonce OU du brun moyen. On a observe des chevreaux issus de croisements entre des parents noirs brun fonce OU brun moyen. Les résultats sont en accord avec I existence de trois alleles au locus Brun le brun fence Nd dominant sur le type sauvage B lui-même dominant sur le brun moyen Bb . chèvre génétique couleur de robe brun chèvre Pygmy INTRODUCTION Inheritance of coat color in goats has received less attention than has that of sheep primarily due to the economic importance of white sheep s wool and lack of a similar importance for color in most goats. Recent work Adalsteinsson et al 1994 has documented the similarity of the genetic control of many goat colors to sheep colors. The relationship of brown to black eumelanin in goats is one aspect of color genetics that has been studied repeatedly with conflicting results. Early works 118 B7 Sponenôeqg c JaMaqsh include those of Asdell