We should all be prospectors of happiness. There are those who discover it in the solitudes of the mountains where freedom is breathed in the air that touches the lofty .peaks. Others find it in the depths of the forest in the songs of the birds, of the brook, of the trees. Most of us must find it in the daily walks of life where the seeking is ofttimes difficult. Nevertheless, there it is in the manufactured glory of the city, in the voices of children, and in the hearts and faces of men. Happiness becomes a habit with some;. | SCHOOL CHURCH AND HOME GAMES Compiled by GEORGE O. DRAPER Secretary for Health and Recreation County Work Department of the International Committee of Young Men s Christian Associations COMMUNITY RECREATION Rural Edition ASSOCIATION PRESS New York 347 MADISON Avenue 1923 Dedicated To My Father HERBERT EDWARD DRAPER whose happy contact with the folks of the country through his duties as a County official won for him their esteem who found recreation in the open country where the birds the flowers and all wild life were his friends and reflected their charm in the life he lived simple happy friendly true to himself his family his neighbors and his God. CONTENTS PART I. GAMES FOR SCHOOLS CHAPTER PAGE FOREWORD vii I. School Room Games for Primary Pupils 1 School Room Games for Intermediate II. 8 Pupils School Room Games for Advanced and III. TT . 16 High School Pupils IV. School Yard Games for Primary Pupils 24 School Yard Games for Intermediate V. 27 Pupils School Yard Games for Advanced and VI. TT. 1 37 High School Pupils PART II. SOCIABLE GAMES FOR HOME CHURCH CLUBS etc. I. Games for the Home 44 II. ICE Breakers for Sociables 55 III. Sociable Games for Grown-Ups 59 IV. Sociable Games for Young people 67 V. Trick Games for Sociables 73 VI. Stunt athletic meet 83 VII. competitive Stunts 88 part III. outdoor games Outdoor Games for older boys and I. _ 94 Young men II. Outdoor Games for boys 103 III. Games of Strength 110 part IV. games for special occasions I. Games at dining Table 113 II. A county fair play festival 119 III. Games for a Story play hour 123 IV. An Indoor Sports fair 127 V. racing Games for picnics 132 FOREWORD We should all be prospectors of happiness. There are those who discover it in the solitudes of the mountains where freedom is breathed in the air that touches the .