tailieunhanh - Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice Third Edition

I wrote the first edition of this book more than 20 years ago, and the discoveries in genetics since then have been phenomenal. The new knowledge and applications of human genetics to health and to society have made it even more necessary that nurses "think genetically" in their practice and, indeed in their lives. Genetic factors can be responsible in some way for both direct and indirect disease causation; for variation that determines predisposition, susceptibility, and resistance to disease and also for response to therapeutic management. Genetic disorders can be manifested initially at any period of the life cycle | Clinical Felissa R. Lashley Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice Third Edition Felissa R. Lashley RN PhD FAAN FACMG formerly Felissa L. Cohen is Dean and Professor of the College of Nursing at Rutgers The State University of New Jersey. Prior to that she was Dean and Professor of the School of Nursing at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the School of Medicine at Southern Illinois University Springfield. Dr. Lashley received her BS at Adelphi College her MA from New York University and her doctorate in human genetics with a minor in biochemistry from Illinois State University. She is certified as a PhD Medical Geneticist by the American Board of Medical Genetics the first nurse to be so certified and is a founding fellow of the American College of Medical Genetics. She began her practice of genetic evaluation and counseling in 1973. Dr. Lashley has authored more than 300 publications. Both prior editions of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice have received Book of the Year Awards from the American Journal of Nursing. Other books have also received AJN Book of the Year Awards including The Person with AIDS Nursing Perspectives Durham and Cohen editors Women Children and HIV AIDS Cohen and Durham editors and Emerg- ing Infectious Diseases Trends and Issues Lashley and Durham editors . Tuberculosis A Sourcebook for Nursing Practice Cohen and Durham editors received a Book of the Year Award from Nurse Practitioner. Dr. Lashley has received several million dollars in external research funding and served as a member of the charter AIDS Research Review Committee National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease National Institutes of Health. Dr. Lashley has been a distinguished lecturer for Sigma Theta Tau International and served as Associate Editor of IMAGE The Journal of Nursing Scholarship. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing. She currently serves as an editorial board member for Biological Research