tailieunhanh - Detection of breast cancer cells using targeted magnetic nanoparticles and ultra-sensitive magnetic field sensors

The first population-based cancer registry was set up in Hamburg (Germany) in 1926. Three nurses visited hospitals and medical practitioners in the city at regular intervals. They recorded the names of new cancer patients and transferred data to a central index in the health department. This index was compared once a week with official death certificates. Other popu- lation-based cancer registries were set up in subsequent decades, so that by 1955, almost twenty had been established in various countries | Hathaway et al. Breast Cancer Research 2011 13 R108 http content 13 5 R108 Breast Cancer RESEARCH RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Detection of breast cancer cells using targeted magnetic nanoparticles and ultra-sensitive magnetic field sensors I lolon I I I3 A 2 1 2 t l4imKarl Q RI I f lor3t I AHr Jr iHi2 4 Hohhio l i I n 2fn3 DmKart- Rdimn1 Ri nidlo rQ inn5 Helen J HdthdVvdy iMiiiueiiy S Butier Ndtdiie L Adoiphi Debbie M Lovdto Robert Denon Ddnieiie Fegdn I n n ft I m f- f m 6 I n r m E I KI 11 I I I z 3 5 I K n r r E I nr r n K5 I_Im A i-irrl D m m f 5 IH n I o I I_11 I K 7 D I r n n rr c I nrr r An 2 3 n m n lodd C Monson Jdson E irujiiio Irdce E lessier Howdio C Brydnt Ddie L Huber Richdrd S Ldison dnd Edwdrd R Fiynn2 5 Abstract Introduction Bredst cdncer detection using mdmmogrdphy hds improved ciinicdi outcomes for mdny women becduse mdmmogrdphy cdn detect very smdii 5 mm tumors edriy in the course of the disedse. However mdmmogrdphy fdiis to detect 10 - 25 of tumors dnd the resuits do not distinguish benign dnd mdiigndnt tumors. Reducing the fdise positive rdte even by d modest 10 whiie improving the sensitivity wiii iedd to improved screening dnd is d desirdbie dnd dttdindbie godi. The emerging dppiicdtion of mdgnetic reidxometry in pdrticuidr using superconducting qudntum interference device SQUID sensors is fdst dnd potentidiiy more specific thdn mdmmogrdphy becduse it is designed to detect tumor-tdrgeted iron oxide mdgnetic ndnopdrticies. Furthermore mdgnetic reidxometry is theoreticdiiy more specific thdn MRI detection becduse oniy tdrget-bound ndnopdrticies dre detected. Our group is deveioping dntibody-conjugdted mdgnetic ndnopdrticies tdrgeted to bredst cdncer ceiis thdt cdn be detected using mdgnetic reidxometry. Methods To dccompiish this we identified d series of bredst cdncer ceii iines expressing vdrying ieveis of the pidsmd membrdne-expressed humdn epidermdi growth fdctor-iike receptor 2 Her2 by fiow cytometry. Anti-Her2