tailieunhanh - Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
The eleventh edition of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology is a new book in two important ways. First, the addition of new Associate Editors to the editorial group has increased currency, depth, and breadth of coverage; second, conversion to fullcolor style has increased the clarity of presentation and total information content. At the same time, the overall organization has been improved and the educational content of previous editions has been expanded. As in prior editions, the book is designed to provide a comprehensive, authoritative, and readable pharmacology textbook for students in the health sciences. Frequent revision is necessary to keep pace with the rapid changes in. | riopTan õecnnaTHOkí MeflMqMHCKOM nmepaTypbi YBaxaeMbiỉí MHTaTe ib Ecnn Bbl CKonnpyere AâHHbiìí ộaỉin Bbl flon KHbi HeaaMe ựiMTenbHO yqannTbero cpaay nocne 03HaKOMneHHfl c coflepxaHMeM. Konnpys M coxpaHss ero Bbl npMHHMaeĩe Ha ce6fl BCIO OTBeTCTBeHHOCTb coơiacHO flewcTByiomeMy MOKflyHapoflHOMy 3aKOHOAaTent CTBy. Bee aBTopcKwe npaBa Ha flaHHbiw ộaìín coxpatiflioTCfl 3a npaBooónaaaĩeneM. Bioóoe KOMMepMetKoe w MHoe Mcnonb3OBaHMe KpoMe npeflBapMTenbHoro 03HaK0wieHHfl 3anpeiL eHO. nyÓHMKanMA ftaHHoro flOKyMCHTa He npecneflyeT HMKaKOÌí KOMMepqecKOỈí Bbiroflbi. Ho Taxwe flOKyMCHTbi cnocoócTByiOT óbicrpeỉÍLueMy npoộeccMOHanbHOMy H ayxoBHOMy pocry MMTareneỉí w SBHSIOTCA peiưiaMOỈí óyMaxHbix M3flaHHỈí TaKMX AOKyMeHTOB. Bee aBTopcKwe npaBa coxpaHflWTCfi 3a npaBoo6naflaTeneM. Ecnw Bbl ABHfleTecb aBTopoM flaHHOTO AOKyweHTa w xoTMTe AononHWTbero wnw M3MeHMTb yroMHMTb peKBM3WTbi aBTopa wnw onyónHKOBaTb Apyrne AOKyMeHTbi noxanyiicra cBflXMTecb c HaMM - Mbi 6yfleM paflbi ycnwwaTb Ba LUM noxenaHWfl. JlaHHbiti ộaỉín CKaqaH c nopTana MedWedi http 3axoflHTe - 6yfleM paflbi - AccessMedicine Preface Basic Clinical Pharmacology 11e McGraw-Hill s. . . M cl T IT Close Window Preface The eleventh edition of Basic Clinical Pharmacology is a new book in two important ways. First the addition of new Associate Editors to the editorial group has increased currency depth and breadth of coverage second conversion to fullcolor style has increased the clarity of presentation and total information content. At the same time the overall organization has been improved and the educational content of previous editions has been expanded. As in prior editions the book is designed to provide a comprehensive authoritative and readable pharmacology textbook for students in the health sciences. Frequent revision is necessary to keep pace with the rapid changes in pharmacology and therapeutics the 2-3 year revision cycle of the printed text is among the best in the field and the availability
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