phần mô học của vỏ não cho thấy các tế bào thần kinh vỏ não bị sưng trong bệnh thoái hóa corticobasal với một chromatolysis xuất hiện giống như | Figure 44 Macroscopic view of the brain in corticobasal degeneration. The leptomeninges have been partially removed to show cortical atrophy involving the posterior frontal and anterior parietal regions 2004 CRC Press LLC Figure 45 Histological section of cerebral cortex in corticobasal degeneration shows severe gliosis and an achromatic neuron H E Figure 46 Histological sections of cerebral cortex showing swollen cortical neurons in corticobasal degeneration with an appearance resembling chromatolysis H Es 2004 CRC Press LLC Figure 47 Histology of cerebral cortex in cortico-basal degeneration shows a putaminal neuron arrowed containing a basophilic inclusion H E Figure 48 Dorsal left and palmar right views of dystonic posturing of the left hand of a patient with corticobasal degeneration. In particular note the ulnar deviation at the wrist and the abducted posture of the little finger 2004 CRC Press .