tailieunhanh - Age-Related Macular Degeneration - part 7

Một số nhà điều tra đã tiêm 25-50 mg tPA vào không gian subretinal sau-đoạn plana vitrectomy (31-33). Một chất lỏng không khí trao đổi được thực hiện và bệnh nhân đã được giữ thẳng đứng bằng khí nén thay máu hóa lỏng từ hố mắt. | Use of Adjuncts in Surgery for AMD 321 A number of investigators have injected 25-50 pg tPA into the subretinal space following pars plana vitrectomy 31-33 . An air fluid exchange was performed and the patient was kept erect to pneumatically displace the liquefied blood from the fovea. Lewis injected tPA into the subretinal space before excision of the choroidal neovas-cular membrane but found no improvement compared with injection of BSS into the subretinal space in a randomized III. CALCIUM- AND MAGNESIUM-FREE RETINAL DETACHMENT-ENHANCING SOLUTIONS Marmor had discovered that removing calcium and magnesium from a solution that bathed eye wall sections in vitro weakened retinal adhesive force 35 . Wiedemann described a detachment infusion for macular translocation surgery that was calcium and magnesium free 36 . Substituted for conventional vitrectomy infusion fluid this solution enabled the immediate detachment of the retina from its peripheral diathermy-induced perforation site to the center of the macula or macular area. He described its use in retinal organ culture and creation of experimental retinal detachment in rabbits and in human surgery. We hypothesized that BSS Part A might be an ideal retinal detachment-enhancing solution and studied its safety and efficacy in rabbits before using it clinically in humans. BSS was developed as an improvement over normal saline lactated Ringer s and Plasma-lyte 148 as a physiologically compatible solution to be used in the eye during surgery 37 38 . To further improve the physiological compatibility of BSS glutathione glucose and bicarbonate buffer system were added 39-41 resulting in BSS Plus. BSS Plus consists of two parts which are reconstituted just prior to use in surgery. These two parts consist of Part B a sterile 480-mL solution in a 500-mL single-dose bottle to which Part A a sterile concentrate in a 20-mL single-dose vial is added. Compared to BSS BSS Part A lacks magnesium and calcium and the citrate and .