tailieunhanh - Best’s Credit Rating Methodology : Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Edition

To receive the earned income credit, taxpayers file their regular tax re- turn and fill out the six-line Schedule EIC that gathers information about qualifying children. The EITC is refundable, meaning that it is paid out by the Treasury regardless of whether the taxpayer has any federal income tax liability. There are several basic tests for EITC eligibility. The taxpayer must have both earned and adjusted gross income below a threshold that varies by year and by family size. Most EITC payments go to taxpayers with at least one “qualifying child.” A qualifying child needs to meet age, relationship, and residence tests. The age test requires the child. | . Best Company Inc. Best s Credit Rating Methodology Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Edition Copyright c 2011 by A M. Best Company. Inc. All tights rescned. No part of this report may be reproduced. stored tn a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic. iiKchamcal. photocopying. recording or otherwise Global Life and Non-Life Insurance Edition Important Notice Best s Credit Ratings A Best s Financial Strength Rating is an independent opinion of an insurer s financial strength and ability to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations. It is based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company s balance sheet strength operating performance and business profile. The Financial Strength Rating opinion addresses the relative ability of an insurer to meet its ongoing insurance policy and contract obligations. The rating is not assigned to specific insurance policies or contracts and does not address any other risk including but not limited to an insurer s claims-payment policies or procedures the ability of the insurer to dispute or deny claims payment on grounds of misrepresentation or fraud or any specific liability contractually borne by the policy or contract holder. A Financial Strength Rating is not a recommendation to purchase hold or terminate any insurance policy contract or any other financial obligation issued by an insurer nor does it address the suitability of any particular policy or contract for a specific purpose or purchaser. A Best s Debt Issuer Credit Rating is an opinion regarding the relative future credit risk of an entity a credit commitment or a debt or debt-like security. It is based on a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company s balance sheet strength operating performance and business profile and where appropriate the specific nature and details of a rated debt security. Credit risk is the risk that an entity may not meet its contractual .