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Định luật Moore: / morz pháp luật / prov. Các quan sát mật độ logic của mạch tích hợp silicon đã theo sát các đường cong (bit trên mỗi inch vuông) = 2 ^ ((n - 1962)), có nghĩa là, số lượng thông tin thỏa mãn điều kiện lưu trữ trong một inch vuông của silicon đã tăng gần gấp đôi hàng năm mỗi năm kể từ khi công nghệ được phát minh. Xem thêm {Luật Parkinson dữ liệu} | Information prepared by the Project Gutenberg legal advisor 161 Moore s Law morz law prov. The observation that the logic density of silicon integrated circuits has closely followed the curve bits per square inch 2A n - 1962 that is the amount of information storable in one square inch of silicon has roughly doubled yearly every year since the technology was invented. See also Parkinson s Law of Data . moose call the n. See whalesong . moria mor ee- n. Like nethack and rogue one of the large PD Dungeons-and-Dragons-like simulation games available for a wide range of machines and operating systems. Extremely addictive and a major consumer of time better used for hacking. MOTAS moh-toz USENET Member Of The Appropriate Sex after MOTOS and MOTSS n. A potential or less often actual sex partner. See also SO . MOTOS moh-tohs acronym from the 1970 . census forms via USENET Member Of The Opposite Sex n. A potential or less often actual sex partner. See MOTAS MOTSS SO . Less common than MOTSS or MOTAS which have largely displaced it. MOTSS mots or M-O-T-S-S from the 1970 . census forms via USENET Member Of The Same Sex n. Esp. one considered as a possible sexual partner. The gay-issues newsgroup on USENET is called . See MOTOS and MOTAS which derive from it. Also see SO . mouse ahead vi. Point-and-click analog of type ahead . To manipulate a computer s pointing device almost always a mouse in this usage but not necessarily and its selection or command buttons before a computer program is ready to accept such input in anticipation of the program accepting the input. Handling this properly is rare but it can help make a WIMP environment much more usable assuming the users are familiar with the behavior of the user interface. mouse around vi. To explore public portions of a large system esp. a network such as Internet via FTP or TELNET looking for interesting stuff to snarf . mouse belt n. See rat belt . mouse droppings MS-DOS n. Pixels usually single that are .