tailieunhanh - Neurology 4 mrcp questions book - part 6

yếu tố khớp dạng thấp, tất cả sau là đúng sự thật, ngoại trừ: 1 - Là một kháng thể chống lại phần Fc của IgG. 2 - Có thể IgG, IgM, IgA lớp. 3 - chẩn đoán viêm khớp dạng thấp. 4 - Có thể được phát hiện bởi nhiều phương pháp phòng thí nghiệm | Chapter X Rheumatology Q1 Rheumatoid factor all of the followings are true except 1- Is an antibody directed against Fc portion of IgG. 2- May be of IgG IgM or IgA class. 3- Is diagnostic of rheumatoid arthritis. 4- Can be detected by many lab methods. 5- Found in almost 100 of cases of secondary Sjogren s syndrome and Felty s syndrome. Q2 C reactive protein CRP and ESR all of the followings are true except 1- CRP as an acute phase reactant closely mirrors the degree of inflammatory processes. 2- CRP is the single most useful direct measure of the acute phase responses APR 3- ESR is an indirect measure of the APR. 4- ESR is characteristically very low in hear failure and sickle cell disease. 5- In SLE the ESR and CRP are high during a relapse. Q3 The Full blood count in inflammatory disorders all of the followings are true except 1- Normochromic normocytic anemia is much more common than hypochromic microcytic one. 2- The platelets are usually elevated and may reflect an active disease. 3- The differential white cell count is highly variable. 4- In systemic necrtotizing vasculitis usually there is leukocytosis with neutropenia. 5- In systemic inflammatory diseases neutrophila may simply reflect treatment with corticosteroids. Q4 Anti-nuclear antibodies ANA all of the followings are true except 1- The routine detecting test is indirect immuno-fluorescent technique. 2- The higher the titer the greater the significance. 3- The ANA is directed against one or more components of the nucleus. 4- In drug induced lupus it is present in up to 30 of cases. 5- The sensitivity and specificity of the detecting test vary widely. Q5 Indications for bone mineral density measurement all of the followings are true except 1- Previous low trauma fracture. 2- Family history of osteoporotic fracture. 3- Systemic diseases associated with high risk of osteoporosis like rheumatoid arthritis. 4- A patient on long term glucocorticoid treatment. 5- Body mass index of more than 23. Q6 .