Các kết quả của việc tính toán cho watermarking miền đề xuất không gian và miền tần số tiêu chuẩn watermarking sử dụng DCT được đưa ra trong Bảng 1. Có thể thấy rằng giá trị PSNR của phương pháp đề xuất có thể so sánh với PSNR | 466 Applications of MATLAB in Science and Engineering The results of the calculations for the proposed spatial domain watermarking and a standard frequency domain watermarking using DCT are as given in Table 1. It can be seen that the PSNR value of the proposed method is comparable to the PSNR that can be obtained by the frequency domain watermarking which is most commonly used. The DCT based watermarking could give a PSNR of and the novel spatial domain gives a PSNR of dB which shows that our method is reliable and robust. The comparison is made with the implementation done using DCT algorithm 1 . From Table 2 it is clear that the proposed method of digital image watermarking is reliable to a good extent since it gives a PSNR value comparable to the PSNR value that can be obtained by the frequency domain watermarking for the same set of images used. 6. Comparison and results From the above results it can be concluded that the Compressed Variance-Based Block Type Spatial Domain Watermarking Technique is having the required amount of robustness and is able to give a good amount of compression. The digital image watermarking using diversified intensity matrices and using discrete cosine transform is also robust. But higher robustness can be achieved using the present method as per the requirements by using equation 7 . If watermarking demands a minimum robustness of X dB put X in equation 7 and find the maximum compression that can be achieved and then do the watermarking. Hence this is a flexible and efficient method capable of doing significant compression and robust watermarking. 7. Acknowledgment We gratefully acknowledge the Almighty GOD who gave us strength and health to successfully complete this venture. The authors wish to thank Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham in particular the Digital library for access to their research facilities and for providing us the laboratory facilities for conducting the research. 8. References 1 Rajesh Kannan Megalingam .