tailieunhanh - Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " A dendroecological reconstruction of disturbance in an old-growth Fagus-Abies forest in Slovenia"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp Original article đề tài: A dendroecological reconstruction of disturbance in an old-growth Fagus-Abies forest in Slovenia. | Ann. For. Sci. 64 2007 891-897 INRA EDP Sciences 2007 DOI forest 2007067 Available online at Original article A dendroecological reconstruction of disturbance in an old-growth Fagus-Abies forest in Slovenia Thomas A. NAGELa Tom LEVANICb Jurij DlACIa a University of Ljubljana Biotechnical Faculty Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources VeCna Pot 83 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia b Slovenian Forestry Institute Vecna Pot 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Received 24 November 2006 accepted 28 March 2007 Abstract - The scarcity of large old-growth forests has made it challenging to quantify disturbance regimes in Central Europe. The objective of this study was to reconstruct the history of disturbance in an old-growth Fagus-Abies forest reserve in Slovenia using a dendroecological approach. We extracted cores from canopy trees blown down during a recent windthrow event and identified growth releases in the tree-ring series using boundary-line release criteria to infer past disturbances. A total of 216 release events were identified from 88 trees. Between 1790 and 1990 moderate asynchronous release events were present in nearly every decade of the disturbance chronology suggesting a history of frequent low severity disturbance. However there were also peaks in the chronology corresponding to synchronous release events in a large proportion of the trees suggesting that less frequent intermediate severity disturbance events played an important role in forest development. These events are likely caused from wind damage associated with local thunderstorms which seem to occur at intervals between 20-80 years on the study site. Thus in addition to the small-scale gap phase processes operating in the forest the results indicate that periodic intermediate severity disturbance events are an important component of the disturbance regime in mountain forests of Central Europe. dendroecology forest dynamics Fagus sylvatica Abies alba forest development .