tailieunhanh - Network illustrated tcpip phần 8

Các gói tin multicast đầu tiên được nhận bởi tất cả các bộ định tuyến, và thông báo cắt tỉa sau đó liên tục là cần thiết để giữ cho cây kéo dài hiệu quả. Ngược lại con đường Multicasting (RPM) Bảng trước của Nội dung Tiếp theo | DHCP Messages dhcpdiscover dhcpoffer dhcprequest dhcpack dhcpnak dhcpdecline dhcprelease dhcpinform Previous Table of Contents Next EacH active server tHat receives tHis message may respond witH a DHCPOFFER message tHat includes an IP address in tHe Yiaddr field of tHe packet. Not all servers will respond. Some may be preconfigured to not respond to certain requests and otHers may not Have tHe binding for tHat client. It may also appear in various Option fields as well. THe server does not Have to take tHe offered IP address off tHe available list but it does Help wHen tHe server does remove tHis offered IP address from its availability pool. At tHis time tHe server may cHeck for current use of tHe offered IP address by sending an ICMP ECHO request using tHe offered IP address. THis is configurable. Previous Table of Contents Next could be an IP-address-to-client-Hardware address. THe server will respond to tHe client witH a DHCPACK message containing all tHe client s configuration parameters. THis binding is indicated as tHe client identifier and tHe assigned IP address. WHen tHe client receives tHe DHCPACK it will perform some final cHecks sucH as ARPing for tHe newly assigned IP address to ensure tHat no one else is assigned to tHis address. If tHere are any inconsistencies tHe client will send a DHCPDECLINE message to tHe server and after waiting 10 seconds it sHould wait at least 10 seconds it will restart tHe configuration process. Also if tHe server transmitted a DHCPNAK message to tHe client tHe client will restart after 10 seconds . DHCP Responses Previous Table of Contents Next