tailieunhanh - Network illustrated tcpip phần 6

LSA đều có chứa một lĩnh vực tuổi. Trường này được sử dụng để mục già trong cơ sở dữ liệu. Nếu một mục từ, thông tin này tràn ngập khắp miền (một khu vực duy nhất) và các thuật toán Dykstra là chạy một lần nữa để | 1. THe ability to cHange from 7-bit text to 8-bit binary 2. Allowing one side or tHe otHer to ecHo cHaracters 3. Specifying a terminal type 4. Requesting tHe status of a TELNET option from tHe remote connection 5. Setting a timing mark to syncHronize two ends of a connection 6. THe ability to terminate a record witH an EOR code 7. Setting line mode so tHat strings of cHaracters may be sent instead of a cHaracter-at-a-time transmit 8. Stopping tHe go-aHead signal after data THe options are negotiated between tHe two network stations in tHe following manner Request Response WILL option DO or DON T option For example WILL ECHO from station A is requesting tHat station A provide tHe ecHoing of cHaracters. THe response will eitHer be DO ECHO meaning tHe remote end agrees or DON T ECHO meaning tHe remote end will not allow station A to ecHo. Agreement between tHe two TELNET ends communicated for a DO option will be responded to witH a WILL option or WON T option . An example of tHis option negotiation If tHe TELNET application is running on a DOS personal computer wHicH is set up for local ecHo upon tHe connection setup tHe TELNET option from tHe PC will be WILL ECHO and tHe response sHould be DO ECHO. If tHe PC Had been set up witHout tHe local ecHo option and you wisH tHe remote end to provide ecHo tHe PC sHould negotiate ecHo witH DO ECHO and tHe response will be WILL ECHO. Using WILL WON T DO and DON T provides symmetry. EitHer side of tHe connection can provide tHe command or tHe response. One side provides services in exactly tHe same manner as tHe otHer side. Previous Table of Contents Next THis is tHe well-known or assigned ftp data port. From a user s standpoint to establisH a connection between itself and a remote station tHe command is similar to TELNET ftp domain name or ip address . A user could also type in FTP and wait for tHe FTP prompt. At tHe prompt tHe user would use tHe OPEN command to establisH tHe connection. File Transfer Protocol FTP Previous .