tailieunhanh - Thiết kế nhà hỏa táng, nghĩa trang

Tham khảo tài liệu 'thiết kế nhà hỏa táng, nghĩa trang', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, kiến trúc - xây dựng phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | CEMETERIES AND CREMATORIA AMB CBCMAHMU Layout with furnace room beneath the chapel Furnace room behind the chapel separated by a lobby coffin trolleys and decontamination drive Corpses are initially laid out in cubicles in a mortuary. These cubicles are separated by partitions to ensure privacy for mourning relatives who can view the body through airtight glass panes up until the funeral. The linking gangway is generally for use by both the mourners and the bearers although in larger mortuaries separate gangways may be used 3 -@. Usual dimensions of cubicles are X X and X . The temperature in the mortuary should be maintained between 2 to 12 c and it must not be allowed to fall below the minimum figure because freezing would result in expansion of the internal moisture possibly causing the corpses to burst. This temperature range must be maintained by central heating and cooling and constant ventilation particularly in summer. Floors must be impervious smooth and easy to clean walls are best lime-washed and should be re-coated frequently. Larger mortuaries also need a room for attendants and bearers roughly 15-20 m2 in size including toilets and washing facilities and space for the coffin trolleys should also be provided. Coffin sizes are variable depending on the size of the corpse T but the trolleys are generally to in size. In city mortuaries a special room may be set aside for unidentified bodies with storage for their clothing and an adjacent post-mortem room and doctor s surgery - 8 . The furnace room should either be on a floor below the chapel with lift for coffins 6 or behind the chapel and separated from it by a lobby 7 8 . Horizontal movement of coffins can easily be done by hand-operated winches. The door to the lobby or the floor trap should close slowly as the coffin gradually disappears through the opening. In the furnace room the coffin is transferred from a trolley to the chamotte grating inside .