tailieunhanh - Grammar And Language Workbook

A singular noun is a word that names one person, place, thing, or idea: brother, classroom, piglet, and joy. A plural noun names more than one person, place, thing, or idea: brothers, classrooms, piglets, and joys. A collective noun names a group. When the collective noun refers to the group as a whole, it is singular. When it refers to the individual group members, the collective noun is plural. The class meets two days a week. (singular). | Glencoe Language Arts Grammar and Language J. Workbook Grade 12 Glencoe McGraw-Hill New York New York Columbus Ohio Woodland Hills California Peoria Illinois Glencoe McGraw-Hill A Division ofTheMcGraw-HiUCompanies Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976 no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or means or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher. Send all inquiries to Glencoe McGraw-Hill 936 Eastwind Drive Westerville Ohio 43081 ISBN 0-02-818312-6 Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 047 03 02 01 00 99 Contents Copyright by Glencoe McGraw-Hill Handbook of Definitions and Part 1 Unit 1 Parts of Speech Nouns Singular Plural Possessive Concrete and Nouns Proper Common and Pronouns Personal Possessive Reflexive and Pronouns Interrogative Relative Demonstrative and Verbs Verbs Verb Phrases .59 Conjunctions Coordinating Correlative and Subordinating .67 Conjunctive Adverbs and Unit 1 Review .71 Cumulative Review Unit 1 .72 Unit 2 Parts of the Sentence Subjects and Predicates .73 Compound Subjects and Predicates .75 Order of Subject and Direct and Indirect Objects .79 Object and Subject Unit 2 Review .83 Cumulative Review Units Unit 3 Phrases Prepositional Participles and Participial Phrases Absolute Phrases .87 Gerunds and Gerund Phrases Appositives and Appositive Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases .91 Distinguishing Participial Gerund and Infinitive Phrases .93 Unit 3 Review .95 Cumulative Review Units Unit 4 Clauses and Sentence .