Maximum success in skeletal surgery depends on adequate access to and exposure of the skeleton. Skeletal surgery is simplified and expedited when the involved parts are sufficiently exposed. In orthopedic surgery, especially of the appendicular skeleton, a basic rule is to select the most direct approach possible to the underlying bone. Thus, incisions are usually placed very near the area of interest while major nerves and blood vessels are retracted. This involves little regard for aesthetics, allowing the orthopedics surgeon greater leeway in the location, direction, and length of the incision | Surgical Approaches Edward Ellis III Michael F. Zide Preface Many reasons exist fur exposing the facial skeleton. Treatment of facial fractures maiingcnienl of puranasa sinus disease. esthetic on 111 and rccmiliiuring procedures elective ostenluiiiius trenliiiciil of secondary Inlnmntic defonuiiics such as enophthnlmos placement of endosteal implants and a host 11 other reconstructive procedures require approaches to the facial framework. Many approaches 111 1 given skeletal region are possible Hie choice is usually based On the surgeon s Iniinĩnẹ. experience and bins This book docs not advocate one approach over another although the ash .images and disadvantages of cue ll approach are listed. We maintain lie age-old belief that many raids lead to Rome. Ums. the purpose 111 this book is to describe ill detail the anatomic and technical aspects III most of the commoiik used surgical approaches to the facial skeleton We purposely do mil present even approach because niiiuy are not universally Used or are Ml simple that nothing needs be said. The approaches presented ill this honk however. iillciu he surgeon complete access to the craniofacial skeleton far any skeletal procedure that is being performed. We have attempted from the beginning Io make Si tyitwl .Afpnh U lri 1 io At f lk tul 5Ai7e on different from other books that touch on this subject. Most bimks that discuss surgical approaches do so in the context of the surgical procedure being presented For instance. a book on facial fractures usually presents surgical approaches In II particular . file surgical approach however. is not generally given much eortsiikruiiiin or presented in sufficient detail for lire novice. One is often left with the question How did the author gel from the skill to that point on the skeleton We avoid consideration ilf why one is exposing the skeleton and describe the Approaches in great detail so that the novice can safely approach the facial skeleton by following our .