tailieunhanh - Báo cáo khoa học: "Cecal rupture by Anoplocephala perfoliata infection in a Thoroughbred horse in Seoul Race Park, South Korea"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu khoa học quốc tế về bệnh thú y đề tài: Cecal rupture by Anoplocephala perfoliata infection in a Thoroughbred horse in Seoul Race Park, South Korea" | J. Vet. Sá. 2001 2 3 189-193 HnmB Veterinary Science Cecal rupture by Anoplocephala perfoliata infection in a Thoroughbred horse In Seoul Race Park South Korea Seung-ho Ryu1 Ung-bok Bak1 Jun-gyu Kim1 Hee-jeong Yoon2 Hun-su Seo2 Jong-tai Kim2 Jong-yeol Park2 and Chang-woo Lee3 Equine Hospital Korea Racing Association Kwachon Kyonggi-do 427-070 South Korea 2Department of Parasitology College of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University Suwon 441-744 South Korea 3Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital College of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University Seoul 151-742 South Korea Abstract A 7-year-old Thoroughbred horse was admitted to the Equine Hospital Korea Racing Association with signs of colic. Based on the size of impactions the clinical signs the results of abdominal paracentesis and medical treatment the prognosis was poor. The horse died 3 hours later following hopeless discharge. At necropsy the caecum and large colon were fully filled with fecal contents and there was a rupture 10cm in dia in the latero- ventral caecum. The mucosa of the ileo-caecal and caeco- colic valves appeared to the hyperemic edematous and ulcerous. There were many tapeworms in the affected mucosa. Histopathologically lesions included hyperaemia a deep necrotic inflammatory lesion and ulcers in the mucosa and submucosa of ileo-caecal and caeco-colic valves. One hundred thirty four faecal samples were obtained from 16 stables and submitted to parasitic examination. A total of 4 genera of eggs were recovered Strongylus spp Anoplocephala perfoliata Bovicola equi and Parascaris equorum . The major findings in this study are the presence of A perfoliata and its suspected association with the colic which led into an eventual caecal rupture. This study indicates the needs for an epidemiological survey of colic that is associated with Anoplocephala. Keywords horse cecal rupture Anoplocephala perfoliata South Korea Corresponding author Tel 82-2-880-8677 Fax .