Mô tả: r các sản phẩm xơ có nguồn gốc từ rong biển r bao gồm muối canxi và natri alginate canxi axit alginic r (rắn) chuyển đổi (trao đổi ion) alginate natri (hòa tan) → hấp thu dịch rỉ để hình thành adherant gel không r thúc đẩy vết thương ẩm môi trường các ion canxi r → kết tập tiểu cầu và đông máu chỉ: | Dermatologic Surgery 33 Alginates Description fibrous products derived from seaweed composed of calcium and sodium salts of alginic acid calcium alginate solid transforms ion exchange to sodium alginate soluble absorbs exudate to form non-adherant gel promotes moist wound environment calcium ions platelet aggregation and coagulation Indications moderate to highly exudative wounds heavy bleeding Application cover with 2 dressing may require sterile saline for removal may use on infected wounds Limitations only for moderate to highly exudative wounds may dehydrate wounds with lower exudate levels D C if dressing does not gel completely some may have tendency to wick laterally Products Algiderm Algisite Algisorb Kaltostat Seasorb Sorbsan Hydroactive Description like hydrocolloid but traps fluid within matrix and swells adhesive matrix secured by film dressing non-adherant waterproof resistant to bacteria Indications moderate to high level of exudate Application apply with 3-4 cm intact skin around wound 34 Pocket Guide for Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery Limitations not indicated for low-level exudate or clinical infection Products Cutinova Biatain Hydrofiber Description similar to alginates but carboxymethyl cellulose absorb large amounts of fluid and forms gel similar in appearance to sheet hydrogel less likely to dry out non-particulate not hemostatic Indications highly exudative wounds Application similar to alginates no lateral wicking Limitations only for highly exudative wounds Products Aquacel Zinc paste bandages Description open weave bandage with zinc oxide paste zinc thought to stimulate epithelialization beneficial in treatment of venous eczema Indications used on chronic wounds and final stages of healing Application requires 2 dressing may leave for up to 7 days Limitations messy difficult to work with may give green tinge to wound dressing may contain allergenic preservatives Products Steripaste Viscopaste Flexidress Gelocast Dermatologic Surgery 35 Skin