tailieunhanh - Liberalism phần 7

Nó là tự nhiên không mở cửa cho bất kỳ cuộc thảo luận có ý định đi xa hơn ý kiến rất chủ quan và do đó không khoa học. Tuy nhiên, đến nay, vì nó được thành lập trên một sự hiểu biết không chính xác của những gì diễn ra trong hệ thống tư bản chủ nghĩa, kinh tế và xã hội học có thể khắc phục nó. | Liberal Foreign Policy liberal program into effect generally and holding to it constantly and consistently and that the World War was nothing but the natural and necessary consequence of the antiliberal policies of the last decades. A senseless and thoughtless slogan makes capitalism responsible for the origin of the war. The connection between the latter and the policy of protectionism is clearly evident and as a result of what is certainly a grievous ignorance of the facts the protective tariff is identified outright with capitalism. People forget that only a short time ago all the nationalistic publications were filled with violent diatribes against international capital finance capital and the international gold trust for being without a country for opposing protective tariffs for being averse to war and inclined toward peace. It is altogether absurd to hold the armaments industry responsible for the outbreak of the war. The armaments industry has arisen and grown to a considerable size because governments and peoples bent on war demanded weapons. It would be really preposterous to suppose that the nations turned to imperialistic policies as a favor to the ordnance manufacturers. The armaments industry like every other arose in order to satisfy a demand. If the nations had preferred other things to bullets and explosives then the factory-owners would have produced the former instead of the materials of war. One can assume that the desire for peace is today universal. But the peoples of the world are not at all clear as to what conditions would have to be fulfilled in order to secure peace. If the peace is not to be disturbed all incentive for aggression must be eliminated. A world order must be established in which nations and national groups are so satisfied with living conditions that they will not feel impelled to resort to the desperate expedient of war. The liberal does not expect to abolish war by preaching and moralizing. He seeks to create the social .