tailieunhanh - Liberalism phần 4

Trong phần còn lại của thế giới, bộ phận duy nhất của chương trình tự do đã được thông qua, trong khi những người khác, không kém quan trọng, hoặc bị từ chối từ đầu tiên hoặc thải bỏ sau một thời gian ngắn. | The Foundations of Liberal Policy believes that the fitness of a man or of a group of men to govern is better demonstrated if they succeed in convincing their fellow citizens of their qualifications for that position so that they are voluntarily entrusted with the conduct of public affairs than if they resort to force to compel others to acknowledge their claims. Whoever does not succeed in attaining to a position of leadership by virtue of the power of his arguments and the confidence that his person inspires has no reason to complain about the fact that his fellow citizens prefer others to him. To be sure it should not and need not be denied that there is one situation in which the temptation to deviate from the democratic principles of liberalism becomes very great indeed. If judicious men see their nation or all the nations of the world on the road to destruction and if they find it impossible to induce their fellow citizens to heed their counsel they may be inclined to think it only fair and just to resort to any means whatever in so far as it is feasible and will lead to the desired goal in order to save everyone from disaster. Then the idea of a dictatorship of the elite of a government by the minority maintained in power by force and ruling in the interests of all may arise and find supporters. But force is never a means of overcoming these difficulties. The tyranny of a minority can never endure unless it succeeds in convincing the majority of the necessity or at any rate of the utility of its rule. But then the minority no longer needs force to maintain itself in power. History provides an abundance of striking examples to show that in the long run even the most ruthless policy of repression does not suffice to maintain a government in power. To cite but one the most recent and the best known when the Bolsheviks seized control in Russia they were a small minority and their program found scant support among the great masses of their countrymen. For the .