tailieunhanh - Vhdl Tutorial Tufts

By describing the design in a high-level (=easy to understand) language, we can simulate our design before we manufacture it. This allows us to catch design errors, ., that the design does not work as we thought it would. | VHDL Tutorial What does HDL stand for? HDL is short for Hardware Description Language (VHDL – VHSIC Hardware Description Language) (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Why use an HDL? Question: How do we know that we have not made a mistake when we manually draw a schematic and connect components to implement a function? Answer: By describing the design in a high-level (=easy to understand) language, we can simulate our design before we manufacture it. This allows us to catch design errors, ., that the design does not work as we thought it would. Simulation guarantees that the design behaves as it should. This diagram show you how optical mammography works Four wavelength lights, (690,750,788,856nm), are modulated electronically around 70 Mhz. The modulated lights are guided and projected to breast by optical fiber bundle. The source and detector located on opposite sides of breast, and will move mechanicly and screening the breast tissue. Due to the diffusive nature of . | VHDL Tutorial What does HDL stand for? HDL is short for Hardware Description Language (VHDL – VHSIC Hardware Description Language) (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Why use an HDL? Question: How do we know that we have not made a mistake when we manually draw a schematic and connect components to implement a function? Answer: By describing the design in a high-level (=easy to understand) language, we can simulate our design before we manufacture it. This allows us to catch design errors, ., that the design does not work as we thought it would. Simulation guarantees that the design behaves as it should. This diagram show you how optical mammography works Four wavelength lights, (690,750,788,856nm), are modulated electronically around 70 Mhz. The modulated lights are guided and projected to breast by optical fiber bundle. The source and detector located on opposite sides of breast, and will move mechanicly and screening the breast tissue. Due to the diffusive nature of light propagation in breast tissue, the amplitude and phase of received light will change and shift. Prof. Fantini’s group can generate a image of the breast if they know the amplitude and phase data. The photon mulitiplier tube convert the optical singal to electrical signal. The amplitude and phase data, which can be measured from electrical signal . The spectral dependences of blood vessel, cancer and mastopathy are different. That’s why they use four wavelengths lights here. Here are the four images for different wavelenghs lights. The four images are combined to generate a oxygenation-index image, The arrow indicated the position of a invasive ductal carcinoma How does the simulation work? We are electrical engineering guy, our goal is to develop a image sensor basing on CMOS technology, so they can replace the bulky device and have more flexibility. This diagram show the proposed architecture of our image sensor. The photo detector array convert the received light to .