tailieunhanh - FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines

The IS audit plan describes the entire examination procedure, from the initial selection of the module target objects to the documentation of the on-site examination. To prevent confusion with audit plans in other areas, the test plan used in conjunction with an IS audit is always referred to as the IS audit plan in this document. The term safeguard in this document refers to the IT baseline safeguards as well as the additional security safeguards to be implemented based on a risk analysis and on any existing regulations. The term module target object refers to a specific audit object or a group. | FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the . Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The . Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. This report does not constitute a standard specification or regulation. QUALITY ASSURANCE STATEMENT The Federal Highway Administration FHWA provides high-quality information to serve Government industry and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality objectivity utility and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement. FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines 2006 Synectics Transportation Consultants Inc. Center for Transportation Research and Education CTRE Iowa State University Pennsylvania State University Kittelson Associates Inc. Science Applications International Corporation SAIC Project Manager Louisa Ward 202 366-2218 . Department of Transportation Administration Publication No. .