tailieunhanh - Giáo trình điều động tàu part 10

Chọn góc cập Góc cập phụ thuộc vào tốc độ dòng chảy, tốc độ gió và hướng gió đối với cầu. Góc cập còn phụ thuộc vào trạng thái cầu bến, khoảng trống cầu người ta giành cho bạn. Hãy tiếp cận cầu bạn càng gần càng tốt và điều chỉnh sao cho tàu bạn song song với cầu. Sau đó dùng máy, lái và lợi dụng sức ép của dòng chảy để đưa tàu sát vào cầu. | a Excessive pitching b Excessive yawing c Excessive rolling d No change should be evident 67. When running before a heavy sea moving weights aft will effect the handling of a vessel by. a Reducing rolling b Increasing rolling c Reducing yawing d Increasing yawing 68. Your vessel is docking but not yet alongside. Which line will be the most useful when maneuvering the vessel alongside the pier a Bow breast line b Bow spring line c Inshore head line d Offshore head line 69. Your vessel is off a lee shore in heavy weather and laboring. Which action should you take a Put the sea and wind about two points on either bow and reduce speed. b Heave to in trough of the sea c Put the sea and wind on either quarter and proceed at increase speed d Put the bow directly into the sea and proceed at full speed 70. When making way in heavy seas you notice that your vessel s screw is being lifted clear of the water and racing. One way to correct this would be to. a Increase speed b Decrease speed c Move more weight toward d Shift the rudder back and forth several times which situation could a vessel most easily capsize a Running into head seas b Running in the trough c Running with following seas d Anchored with your bow into the seas 72. You are underway in heavy weather and your bow is into the seas. To prevent pounding you should. a Change course in order to take the seas at an 85 Ọ from the bow b Decrease speed c Increase speed d Secure all loose gear 73. When taking a pilot from a pilot boat in a seaway which way should you head your vessel if the ladder is on the leeward side a Bow to the sea and no way on your vesse. b Sea on the lee quarter with ship moving ahead slowly c Sea on the weather bow and ship moving ahead slowly d Sea on the quarter with sternway on the ship 141 a signle-screw vessel when coming port side to a pier and being set off the pier you should. a Swing wide and approach the pier so as to land starboard side to. b Approch the pier on a parallel