tailieunhanh - Economic Policy Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow phần 4

được mô tả như một "phát minh", nhưng nó không phải là đủ để nói rằng mới này "phát minh" chính sách là kết quả của các tánh rộng rải của ông Ford. Chi nhánh mới của doanh nghiệp, hoặc một nhà máy mới trong một ngành đã được hiện có của doanh nghiệp, | 24 ECONOMIC POLICY he could not illustrate his thesis by any examples other than those drawn from the conditions of precapitalistic society. In precapitalistic ages society was divided into hereditary status groups which in India are called castes. In a status society a man was not for example born a Frenchman he was born as a member of the French aristocracy or of the French bourgeoisie or of the French peasantry. In the greater part of the Middle Ages he was simply a serf. And serfdom in France did not disappear completely until after the American Revolution. In other parts of Europe it disappeared even later. But the worst form in which serfdom existed and continued to exist even after the abolition of slavery was in the British colonies abroad. The individual inherited his status from his parents and he retained it throughout his life. He transferred it to his children. Every group had privileges and disadvantages. The highest groups had only privileges the lowest groups only disadvantages. And there was no way a man could rid himself of the legal disadvantages placed upon him by his status other than by fighting a political struggle against the other classes. Under such conditions you could say that there was an irreconcilable conflict of interests between the slave owners and the slaves because what the slaves wanted was to be rid of their slavery of their quality of being slaves. This meant a loss however for the owners. Therefore there is no question that there had to be this irreconcilable conflict of interests between the members of the various classes. One must not forget that in those ages in which the status societies were predominant in Europe as well as in the colonies which the Europeans later founded in America people did not consider themselves to be connected in any special way with the other classes of their Socialism 25 own nation they felt much more at one with the members of their own class in other countries. A French aristocrat did not look