Khi thực hiện điều tra môi trường, tất cả các thiết bị lấy mẫu phải được xử lý như thể nó bị bẩn, và do đó cần được rửa decontaminated giữa các điểm lấy mẫu. Thủ tục khử nhiễm cho các thiết bị radiologically và bị ô nhiễm hóa học được trình bày tại mục và , tương ứng. Tẩy xạ: là định nghĩa là quá trình loại bỏ, trung hòa, giặt, rửa bề mặt của thiết bị và quần áo bảo hộ cá nhân để giảm thiểu tiềm năng cho việc chuyển đổi chất gây ô nhiễm. Tẩy. | CHAPTER 9 Equipment Decontamination When performing environmental investigations all sampling equipment must be treated as if it is contaminated and therefore should be thoroughly decontaminated between sampling points. Decontamination procedures for radiologically and chemically contaminated equipment are presented in Sections and respectively. Decontamination is defined as the process of removing neutralizing washing and rinsing surfaces of equipment and personal protective clothing to minimize the potential for contaminant migration. Decontamination is performed to assure the collection of representative environmental samples. The only way to eliminate decontamination is by using disposable equipment. It is critical to test the effectiveness of any decontamination procedure so that the credibility of environmental samples cannot be questioned. For radiological contaminants this is accomplished by scanning the decontaminated equipment and by collecting swipe samples for radiological counting. If the results from the scanning measurements and swipe sampling exceed radiological release limits additional decontamination steps must be taken to remove the contamination. If the results are below the release limit the equipment may be released for use in collecting additional samples. For highly radioactive environments the equipment may not be able to be decontaminated sufficiently to meet the release limits. Sampling equipment that cannot meet the release limits should be disposed of. Large equipment used to support sampling activities that cannot meet the release limits may in some instances still be used as long as it does not come in direct contact with the samples being collected. In this situation every effort should be made to reduce the amount of removable contamination. For chemical contaminants testing the effectiveness of the decontamination procedure is accomplished through the preparation of equipment rinsate blank samples which are prepared by .