tailieunhanh - NEPA and Environmental Planning : Tools, Techniques, and Approaches for Practitioners - Chapter 5

Hành động, bao gồm cả loại trừ phân loại (CATXs), được miễn các yêu cầu của Đạo luật Chính sách môi trường quốc gia (NEPA) được mô tả trong chương này. Chương này bắt đầu với một mô tả toàn diện của quá trình CATX và được theo sau bởi một cuộc thảo luận về các loại hành động mà nói chung là loại trừ khỏi các yêu cầu của NEPA | 5 Exemptions and Categorical Exclusions Actions including categorical exclusions CATXs that are exempt from the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act NEPA are described in this chapter. This chapter begins with a comprehensive description of the CATX process and is followed by a discussion on the types of actions that are generally excluded from the requirements of NEPA. CATEGORICAL EXCLUSIONS CATXs briefly described in Chapter 2 were not fully defined. Because of their clear importance to efficiency this section has been prepared to provide the reader with a thorough understanding of the entire CATX process. A CATX is defined as . a category of actions which do not individually or cumulatively have a significant effect on the human environment and which have been found to have no such effect in procedures adopted by a Federal agency in implementation of these regulations and for which therefore neither an environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is required. An agency may decide in its procedures or otherwise to prepare environmental assessments for the reasons stated in even though it is not required to do so. Any procedures under this section shall provide for extraordinary circumstances in which a normally excluded action may have a significant environmental effect . Since the impacts have already been determined to be nonsignificant neither an environmental assessment EA nor an environmental impact statement EIS is required to be prepared for those actions qualifying for a CATX. Moreover each agency is required to adopt implementing procedures that include specific criteria for and identification of typical classes of action that ii . normally do not require either an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment categorical exclusions .1 The Council on Environmental Quality CEQ recently published draft guidance on establishing revising and using This guidance is intended to