tailieunhanh - AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORT FINANCIAL AUDITS Volume Three 2009 focusing on Electricity _part2

Chiến lược bao gồm các yếu tố chính sau đây: ▪ Các ▪ Các ▪ Các ▪ Các Chính phủ tiếp tục sở hữu và hoạt động của nhà máy điện hiện có và tất cả các mạng lưới điện (cột và dây điện) ở New South Wales hợp đồng quyền mua bán điện của nhà máy điện khu vực tư nhân, thường được gọi là mô hình 'Gentrader bán vũ khí bán lẻ EnergyAustralia, tích năng lượng Năng lượng Quốc gia Úc và bán các trang web phát triển điện quan trọng sau đây trạm xung quanh Nhà nước | Electricity Industry Overview_ The Strategy comprises the following key elements continued Government ownership and operation of existing power stations and all electricity networks the pole and wires in New South Wales contracting the electricity trading rights of power stations to the private sector commonly referred to as the Gentrader model selling the retail arms of EnergyAustralia Integral Energy Australia and Country Energy selling the following key power station development sites around the State. Development Site Size MW Fuel Progress Bamarang Delta 300-400 Gas Full Development Approval obtained Tomago Macquarie Generation 500-790 Gas Full Development Approval obtained Marulan EnergyAustralia 350 Gas Director-General s requirements issued 1 Marulan Delta 350-450 Gas Director-General s requirements issued 1 Munmorah Delta 700 Gas coal Planning process underway Bayswater B Macquarie Generation 2000 Gas coal Planning process underway Mt Piper extension Delta 2000 Gas coal Planning process underway 1 On 8 October 2007 the Director-General of the New South Wales Department of Planning declared the Marulan Gas Turbine Facilities Projects of EnergyAustralia and Delta Electricity were considered as Major Projects and would be assessed under Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. MW Megawatts The Strategy s completion date is mid 2010. The Government retains the discretion to offer particular assets as part of an Initial Public Offering IPO should the first phase of the bid process not deliver the Strategy s objectives. In September 2009 the Government called for Expressions of Interest EOI from national and international electricity industry operators and investors. The EOI closes on 18 November 2009. Those offering an appropriate EOI will be invited to submit bids for the assets. The Government s Strategy is intended to significantly increase private .