Macular degeneration age-related (AMD) is one of the most common causes of vision loss among adults over age 55 living in developed countries. It is caused by the breakdown of the macula, a small spot located in the back of the eye. The macula allows people to see objects directly in front of them (called central vision), as well as fine visual details. People with AMD usually have blurred central vision, difficulty seeing details and colors, and they may notice distortion of straight lines | The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA of Genetic i DISORDERS The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA of genetic 1 DISORDERS VOLUME 2 M-Z APPENDIX GLOSSARY INDEX STACEY L. BLACHFORD EDITOR GALE GROUP ------------------------- THOMSON LEARNING Detroit New York San Diego San Francisco Boston New Haven Conn. Waterville Maine London Munich The GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA of GENETIC DISORDERS STAFF Stacey L. Blachford Associate Editor Christine B. Jeryan Managing Editor Melissa C. McDade Associate Editor Ellen Thackery Associate Editor Mark Springer Technical Training Specialist Andrea Lopeman Programmer Analyst Barbara Yarrow Manager Imaging and Multimedia Content Robyn Young Project Manager Imaging and Multimedia Content Randy Bassett Imaging Supervisor Robert Duncan Senior Imaging Specialist Pamela A. Reed Coordinator Imaging and Multimedia Content Maria Franklin Permissions Manager Ryan Thomason Permissions Associate Lori Hines Permissions Assistant Kenn Zorn Product Manager Michelle DiMercurio Senior Art Director Mary Beth Trimper Manager Composition and Electronic Prepress Evi Seoud Assistant Manager Composition Purchasing and Electronic Prepress Dorothy Maki Manufacturing Manager Ronald D. Montgomery Manager Data Capture Gwendolyn S. Tucker Project Administrator Beverly Jendrowski Data Capture Specialist Indexing provided by Synapse. Illustrations created by Argosy West Newton Massachusetts Electronic Illustrators Group Morgan Hill California Since this page cannot legibly accommodate all copyright notices the acknowledgments constitute an extension of the copyright notice. While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of the information presented in this publication the Gale Group neither guarantees the accuracy of the data contained herein nor assumes any responsibility for errors omissions or discrepancies. The Gale Group accepts no payment for listing and inclusion in the publication of any organization agency institution publication service or individual does not imply endorsement of the .