Đất có thể được coi như một bể chứa lớn các kim loại nặng thải từ các các loại nguồn ô nhiễm do con người gây (Nriagu, năm 1991; Mench et al, 1994). Một khi nặng kim loại đã được phát hành và hấp thụ bởi đất, hầu hết sẽ được liên tục của họ khá bất động tự nhiên. Cadmium được biết đến là điện thoại di động và sinh học hơn hầu hết các kim loại nặng khác, nhưng dẫn chứng minh là khá bất động và không có sẵn cho thực vật hấp thu trong các hệ thống đất. Chì gửi trên. | 5 Chemical Remediation Techniques for the Soils Contaminated with Cadmium and Lead in Taiwan Zueng-Sang Chen Geng-Jauh Lee and Jen-Chyi Liu CONTENTS Materials and The Contaminated Analysis of Basic Soil Properties .95 Treatments in Pot Bioavailability to Sequential Fractionation of Heavy Metals in Statistical Results and Discussion .96 Cd and Pb Concentration Extracted by Different Reagents in Untreated Changes on the Bioavailability of Cd and Pb after Chemical Transformation of Chemical Forms of Cd and Pb in the Amended Effect of Chemical Treatments on the Concentration of Cd and Pb Uptake by Acknowledgments .103 References .103 Introduction Soils can be regarded as a major sink of heavy metals that were discharged from different kinds of anthropogenic pollution sources Nriagu 1991 Mench et al. 1994 . Once heavy metals were released and adsorbed by the soil most would be persistent because of their fairly immobile nature. Cadmium is known to be more mobile and bioavailable than most other heavy metals but lead is demonstrated to be fairly immobile and unavailable for plant uptake in soil systems. Lead deposited on the surface of plant tissue can be of concern Adriano 1986 . Many researchers have indicated that agricultural soils contaminated by heavy metals may result in foliar damage reducing growth yield of crops. Heavy metals in soils may 93 2001 by CRC Press LLC 94 Environmental Restoration of Metals-Contaminated Soils also be taken up by crops and adversely affect the human health through the food chain Alloway 1990 . Several methods have been used to immobilize metals present in contaminated soils. One general chemical technique is to apply dolomite phosphates or organic matter residues into the .