tailieunhanh - Oracle9i Installation Guide phần 7

OID Cấu hình Trợ lý trong mọi trường hợp bắt đầu Server Oracle mục Internet và cấu hình giản đồ mặc định - Thông tin danh mục Tree để hỗ trợ các thành phần Oracle. Trợ cấu hình . Bắt đầu . Và . tự động tạo ra một cơ sở dữ liệu Oracle9i. Xem "Trợ lý Cấu hình cơ sở dữ liệu" trên trang 1-7. | Configuration Tasks to Perform as the root User Table 4-1 Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files Cont. Directories Files Permissions Comments ORACLE_HOME bin 755 rwxr-xr-x The oracle user should have read write and execute privileges and all users should have read and execute privileges to this directory. The oracle executable and the following executables ORACLE_HOME bin dbsnmp ORACLE_ HOME bin oradism 6751 rws-r-s--x The 6 sets the setuid bit and the setgid bit so the executables run as the oracle user and OSDBA group regardless of who executes them. All other executables 755 rwxr-xr-x The oracle user should have read write and execute privileges and all users should have read and execute privileges to this directory. ORACLE_HOME lib 755 rwxr-xr-x The oracle user should have read write and execute privileges and all other users should have read and execute privileges to this directory. All files under ORACLE_HOME lib 644 rw-r--r-- The oracle user should have read write and execute privileges and the other users should have read-only privileges to these files. ORACLE_HOME rdbms log 751 rwxr-x--x The oracle user and ORAINVENTORY group have restricted access to files in the directory. The other users have execute privileges. Product subdirectories such as ORACLE_HOME sqlplus or ORACLE_HOME rdbms 751 rwxr-x--x The oracle user and ORAINVENTORY group have restricted access to log other users have execute privileges. Files in ORACLE_HOME sqlplus or ORACLE_HOME rdbms 644 rw-r--r-- The oracle user should have read and write privileges and the other users should have read-only privileges to these files. Post-Installation 4-3 Configuration Tasks to Perform as the root User Table 4-1 Access Permissions on Oracle Directories and Files Cont. Directories Files Permissions Comments ORACLE_HOME network trace 777 rwxrwxrwx or 730 rwx-wx The oracle user and members of the ORAINVENTORY group have access to trace files when 730 is used in the production .