tailieunhanh - Analytic Number Theory A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet Episode 1 Part 3

Tham khảo tài liệu 'analytic number theory a tribute to gauss and dirichlet episode 1 part 3', kỹ thuật - công nghệ, cơ khí - chế tạo máy phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | 32 JURGEN ELSTRODT pianist Clara Schumann performing and with Dedekind playing waltzes on the piano for dancing. Dirichlet rapidly felt very much at home in Gottingen and got into fruitful contact with the younger generation notably with R. Dedekind and B. Riemann at that time assistant to W. Weber who both had achieved their doctor s degree and Habilitation under Gaufi. They both were deeply grateful to Dirichlet for the stimulance and assistance he gave them. This can be deduced from several of Dedekind s letters to members of his family . Sch p. 35 Most useful for me is my contact with Dirichlet almost every day from whom I really start learning properly he is always constantly kind to me tells me frankly which gaps I have to fill in and immediately gives me instructions and the means to do so. And in another letter ibid. p. 37 we read the almost prophetic words Moreover I have much contact with my excellent colleague Riemann who is beyond doubt after or even with Dirichlet the most profound of the living mathematicians and will soon be recognized as such when his modesty allows him to publish certain things which however temporarily will be understandable only to few. Comparing . Dedekind s doctoral thesis with his later pioneering deep work one may well appreciate his remark that Dirichlet made a new human being of him Lo p. 83 . Dedekind attended all of Dirichlet s lectures in Gottingen although he already was a Privatdozent who at the same time gave the presumably first lectures on Galois theory in the history of mathematics. Clearly Dedekind was the ideal editor for Dirichlet s lectures on number theory . Riemann already had studied with Dirichlet in Berlin 1847-1849 before he returned to Gottingen to finish his thesis a crucial part of which was based on Dirichlet s Principle. Already in 1852 Dirichlet had spent some time in Gottingen and Riemann was happy to have an occasion to look through his thesis with him and to have an extended discussion