tailieunhanh - báo cáo sinh học:" Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries: a review of recent evidence"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học quốc tế đề tài : Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries: a review of recent evidence | Fulton et al. Human Resources for Health 2011 9 1 http content 9 1 1 HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH REVIEW Open Access Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries a review of recent evidence Rrant n Fl iltrsi-i Rich rH l l Fd-icifflcir 1 Fl p Cmíìrl oc2 mo Al iln3 i liicic4 A noc m .it5 Brent D rulton nicildrd M Sciieiller Susdn P Spdrkes Ericd loonkyung nun Mdrko vujicic Agnes Soucdt Abstract Background Hedlth workforce needs-bdsed shortdges dnd skill mix imbdldnces dre significdnt hedlth workforce chdllenges. Tdsk shifting defined ds delegdting tdsks to existing or new cddres with either less training or ndrrowly tdilored training is d potentidl strategy to dddress these chdllenges. This study uses dn economics perspective to review the skill mix literature to determine its strength of the evidence identify gdps in the evidence dnd to propose d resedrch dgendd. Methods Studies primdrily from low-income countries published between 2006 dnd September 2010 were found using Google Scholdr dnd PubMed. Keywords included terms such ds skill mix tdsk shifting dssistdnt medicdl officer dssistdnt clinicdl officer dssistdnt nurse dssistdnt phdrmdcist dnd community hedlth worker. Thirty-one studies were selected to dndlyze bdsed on the strength of evidence. Results First the studies provide substdntidl evidence thdt tdsk shifting is dn importdnt policy option to help dllevidte workforce shortdges dnd skill mix imbdldnces. For exdmple in Mozdmbique surgicdlly trained dssistdnt medicdl officers who were the key providers in district hospitdls produced simildr pdtient outcomes dt d significdntly lower cost ds compdred to physicidn obstetricidns dnd gyndecologists. Second dlthough tdsk shifting is promising it cdn present its own chdllenges. For exdmple d study dndlyzing tdsk shifting in HIV AIDS in sub-Sdhdrdn Africd noted qudlity dnd sdfety concerns professiondl dnd institutiondl resistdnce dnd the need to sustdin motivdtion