tailieunhanh - Báo cáo sinh học: "Restricted best linear unbiased prediction using canonical transformation"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Restricted best linear unbiased prediction using canonical transformation | Genet Sei Evol 1990 22 339-347 Elsevier INRA 339 Original article Restricted best linear unbiased prediction using canonical transformation 0 -5ĩC r Y Itoh H Iwaisaki Kyoto University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Animal Science Kyoto 606 Japan Received 19 May 1989 accepted 8 June 1990 Summary - The restricted BLUP procedure requires the solution of high order simultaneous equations if there are many traits and a large number of animals to be evaluated. In this paper a canonical transformation technique through which new independent traits are introduced is presented. Thus only equations of relatively low order for each transformed trait have to be solved. Furthermore it is shown that the number of independent transformed traits is reduced by the number of restrictions imposed. The technique is applicable when a multiple-trait animal model is assumed. restricted BLUP canonical transformation multiple trait animal model Resume Utilisation de la transformation canonique pour calender le meilleur prédic-teur linéaire sans biais avec restrictions. La procedure du BLUP restraint demande la resolution d un système d equations simultanéẽs d ordre élevé s il y a beaucoup de ca-ractères et un grand nombre d animaux évalués. Dans cette étude la technique de la transformation canonique est presentee pour obtenir des caractères transformes independants. Il suffit alors de resoudre un nombre moins élevé d equations pour chaque caractère transforme. De plus le nombre des caractères indépendants est réduit du nombre des restrictions imposées. Cette technique est applicable quand un modèle multicaractère animal est pose. BLUP restreint transformation canonique modèle multicaractère animal INTRODUCTION Kempthorne and Nordskog 1959 proposed the restricted selection index which is a modification of the usual selection index for predicting genetic merits. Selection based on this index can change population means of some traits but holds some linear functions of other traits .