tailieunhanh - Báo cáo sinh học: "Incipient reproductive isolation between Drosophila nasuta and Drosophila albomicans"

Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học Journal of Biology đề tài: Incipient reproductive isolation between Drosophila nasuta and Drosophila albomicans | Genet Sei Evol 1990 22 31-46 Elsevier INRA 31 Original article Incipient reproductive isolation between Drosophila nasuta and Drosophila albomicans Y Inoue o Kitagawa Department of Biology Tokyo Metropolitan University Setagaya Tokyo 158 Japan Received 28 September 1988 accepted 24 October 1989 Summary - Genetic divergence was investigated between 2 closely related allopatric species Drosophila nasuta and D albomicans which have not evolved sexual pre-mating isolation. Several post-zygotic components of fitness were analysed in intra- and interspecific hybrids. The results show that these 2 species are reproductively isolated because they are different co-adapted systems. Among geographic populations of p albomicans genetic differentiation has also occurred. The evidence for primary subspeciation in D albomicans is discussed. Drosophila nasata subgroup fitness component speciation subspeciation Resume - Debut d isolement reproducteur entre Drosophila nasuta et Drosophila albomicans - On a analyse la divergence génétịque entre 2 espècẹs affines allopa-tiques Drosophila nasuta et D albomicans qui n ont pas développé d isolement sexuel précopulatoire. Plusieurs composantes post-zygotiques de la fitness ont été analysées chez les hybrides intraspecifique et interspecifiques. Les résultats montrent que les 2 especes sont isolees au point de vue reproduction parce-qu elles ont des systemes coạdaptệs differents. Parmi les populations ỵéọgraphiques de p albomicans une differenciation génétique s est aussi produite. La possĩbilửé d une subspéciation primaires chez D albomicans est discutée. sous-groupe Drosophila nasuta I composantes de la fitness speciation subspéciation INTRODUCTION The Drosophila nasuta subgroup of the immigrans species group consists of more than 10 species and subspecies therefore this subgroup is well suited for the study of the genetics of speciation. Members of the D nasuta subgroup are widely distributed from the Pacific Ocean to Africa through .