Because enteroviruses, including those causing HFMD, are very common, pregnant women are frequently exposed to the virus as well. As for any other adults, the risk of infection is higher for pregnant women who do not have antibodies from earlier exposures to these viruses, and who are exposed to young children - the primary spreaders of enteroviruses. Most enterovirus infections during pregnancy cause mild or no illness in the mother. Although the available information is limited, currently there is no clear evidence that maternal enteroviral infection causes adverse outcomes of pregnancy such as abortion,. | HAND FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE HFMD GUIDELINES EDITORIAL BOARD ADVISORS Dato Dr. Hj. Ramlee bin Hj. Rahmat Director of Disease Control 2003 - Dec 2006 Dato Dr. Hasan Abdul Rahman Director of Disease Control Dec 2006 until now MEMBERS Dr. Zainudin Abd Wahab Deputy Director of Disease Control Surveillance Disease Control Division MOH Dr. Abd. Rasid Kasri Deputy Director of Disease Control Communicable Disease Disease Control Division MOH Dr. Rohani Jahis Principal Assistant Director Surveillance Disease Control Division MOH. Dr. Izuna Mudla Mohamed Ghazali Assistant Director Surveillance Disease Control Division MOH. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. THE Clinical Magnitude of the 3. CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF Symptomatic Criteria for Infection Patients with neurologic . advice given upon PATIENT S 4. Objective of Case Clinical case Laboratory Case Types of Clinical Laboratory Flow of surveillance 5. MANAGEMENT OF SPORADIC of sporadic case .16 public health 6. MANAGEMENT OF Definitions of Identification of Risk factors for Management of Documentation and 7.