tailieunhanh - Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging

The Internet creates one economy and one market. As large as the online higher education market is in the ., the global opportunity is significantly greater. Unlike the . where post-secondary education is relatively available, access to world-class post-secondary institutions in many parts of the world is limited. Currently, there are 84 million students enrolled in higher education worldwide. Global demand for higher education is forecasted to reach 160 million by 2025 − if online learning captures even half of this growth, there would be 40 million students for online education. We predict that in the next five years, there will be global virtual universities with potentially millions of students enrolled. We project. | BEGINNING STUDENTS Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging WELCOME TO MODULE 1 Internet Basics Q In this module you will find An introduction A lesson plan for the trainer Handouts for students Q s To teach the module you will need A PC with Internet access for each student and the trainer A computer projector and a screen A 3-ring binder to store materials To get started you should Read the Introduction Read and print out the lesson plan and insert it in a binder Print out and make copies of the handouts for students Questions or comments about the Toolkit Contact the National Institute on Aging at 301 496-1752 or e-mail daileys@ Internet Basics INTRODUCTION Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online A Toolkit for Trainers from the National Institute on Aging MODULE 1 Internet Basics LESSON OVERVIEW Lesson Goals In this lesson students will 1. Learn basic computer terms. 2. Practice using the mouse. 3. Learn basic Internet terms. 4. Learn how to get to a website. 5. Learn how to explore a website. 6. Learn how to use a search box. 7. Learn how to use a site map. Lesson Materials In this lesson students will need Handout 1A Lesson Goals Handout 1B Computer and Internet Terms Parts I II III and IV Handout 1C Take-Home Assignment Pens or pencils This handout only includes computer and Internet terms relevant to this lesson. An alphabetical list of all glossary terms introduced in the nine Toolkit lessons is available online at toolkit. Lesson Length This lesson should last Approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes with an optional stopping point at 80 minutes. Module 1 - Introduction Internet Basics Go to To download Toolkit materials go to toolkit