tailieunhanh - ENGLISH TEST 45 minutes Code 001

Tham khảo tài liệu 'english test 45 minutes code 001', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả | Mark 367 ENGLISH TEST 45 minutes Code 001 Full name . Class 11 I. Tick the words which contain the stress on the first syllable in column A The words which contain the stess on the second syllable in column B and the words which contain the stress on the third syllable in column C 1P A 1st syllable B 2nd syllable C 3rd syllable Campground Hobby Collect Disagreement Information II. Tick the right collumn 2P t d s z Stopped Watched Robbed Opened Bridged Wants Books Clubs Sees Rivers III. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct verb forms 2P 1. Last weekend my class go to Bavi for a camping holiday. 2. Both Jim and Carol be always late for school. 3. Neither Mai nor Huong have a car. 4. It was the boy who play football all day long. 5. It was the flowers that give to Christina by fans. Answers 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . IV. Rewrite these sentences in the ways shown 2P 1. The children played football in the garden yesterday. Cleft sentence with Subject It. 2. The book is very interesting. I bought it last week. Relative clause The book . 3. The policeman asked the man a lot of questions. Cleft sentence in passive It. . 4. I didn t like the man who she talked with. Omission of relative pronoun I didn t like the man. 5. He is very handsome. He is very talkative. Conjunction He is. V. Read the passage and then answer the questions below 2P When the class teacher suggested an excursion during the last June holiday the students chose the Botanical Garden the place they all wanted to visit. As soon as they arrived at the Botanical Garden the teacher told them about the program for the day. The Botanical Garden has a variety of flowers and trees. The air was very cool and clean so they felt very refreshed. It was so pleasing to see the well cut grass hedges and flowering plants all around. The teacher told them about the history of the Botanical Garden. They spent some time cracking jokes and telling stories. After that they had lunch. Then some of the students played games .