tailieunhanh - ECOTOXICOLOGY: A Comprehensive Treatment - Chapter 14

Chất độc và các mô hình dân số đơn giản 14,1 chất độc Phản ứng trên quy mô dân số và động lực các mô hình dựa trên dân số CHO rủi ro sinh thái Vụ bê bối lớn nhất của triết học là rằng, trong khi xung quanh chúng ta, thế giới của thiên nhiên chấm dứt. . . triết gia tiếp tục nói chuyện, đôi khi khéo léo và đôi khi không, về các câu hỏi về liệu thế giới này tồn tại. (Popper 1972). | 14 Toxicants and Simple Population Models TOXICANTS EFFECTS ON POPULATION SIZE AND DYNAMICS The Population-Based Paradigm for Ecological Risk The greatest scandal of philosophy is that while around us the world of nature perishes . philosophers continue to talk sometimes cleverly and sometimes not about the question of whether this world exists. Popper 1972 Every scientific discipline is built around a collection of conceptual and methodological paradigms that are revealed in its textbooks lectures and laboratory exercises Kuhn 1962 . These paradigms define what the discipline encompasses and what it does not. During professional training a scientist also learns the rules by which business within his or her discipline is to be conducted. A scientist understands that there is a hard core of irrefutable beliefs that are not to be questioned and a protective belt of auxiliary hypotheses that are actively tested and enriched Lakatos 1970 . To venture outside the accepted borders of a discipline or to question a core paradigm is courting professional censure. Yet when a core paradigm fails too obviously and another is available to take its place significant shifts do occur in a discipline. Oddly enough a clearly inadequate paradigm will remain central in a discipline if a better one is not available to replace it Braithwaite 1983 . Because scientists are human the shift from one core paradigm to another is characterized by as much discomfort and bickering as excitement. Although originating from illogical roots the dogmatic tendency to cling to a paradigm does have a positive consequence Popper 1972 . Any group of scientists who tends to drop a central paradigm too quickly will experience many disappointments and false starts. A key character of any scientific discipline is a healthy not pathological tenacity of central paradigms. In writing this and several of the remaining chapters we are caught between the risk of being censured for discussing topics out