tailieunhanh - Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Phần 10

Ngoài ra còn các nguyên nhân như: -Nhân sinh: Hoạt động làm thay đổi ứng suất đá gần bề mặt hoặc áp suất chất lỏng, đặc biệt là các vụ thử hạt nhân dưới lòng đất. Ngoài ra còn phải kể đến hoạt động âm học, đặc biệt là kỹ thuật âm thanh địa chấn. | 1 34 Basic Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Paul J. Burgmann R. Gaur V K. Bilham R. Larson K. M. Ananda M. B. Jade S. Mukai M. Anupama T s. Satyal G. Kumar D. 2001 The motion and active deformation of India. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 4 647-651 2001. Paulay T 1997. A Review of Code Provisions for Torsional Seismic Effects in Buildings. New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering Bulletin. Wellington Vol 30 3 pp 252-264. Rajendran . 2000 Using geological data for earthquake studies A perspective from peninsula India Current Science 79 9 1251-1258. Rajendran and Rajendran K. 2002 Historical Constraints on Previous Seismic Activity and Morphologic Changes near the Source Zone of the 1819 Rann of Kachchh Earthquake Further Light on the Penultimate Event. Seism Res. Lett. 73 4 470-479. Rajendran C. P K. Rajendran K. H. Vora and A. S. Gaur 2003 . The odds of a seismic source near Dwarka NW Gujarat An evaluation based on proxies Current Science 84 695-701. Ray 1953 Isoseismals for the great Assam Earthquake of Aug. 15 1950 35-37 in A compilation of papers on the Assam Earthquake of August 15 1950. ed. M. B. Ramachandra Rao Publication No. 1 Central Board of Geophysics Gov. of India 1953. Sarmah . 1999. The probability of occurrence of a high magnitude earthquake on Northeastern India. Jour. of Geophysics Vol. XX 3 pp. 129-135. Schnabel P B. and Seed H. B. Acceleration in rock for earthquakes in Western United States Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Vol. 63 No. 2 1973. Seeber L. and V Gornitz 1983 River profiles along the Himalayan arc as indicators of active tectonics Tectonophysics 92 335-367. Seed . and Lee . 1966 Liquefaction of saturated sands during cyclic loading ASCE JGE Vol. 92 No. SM 6 pp 105-134. Seed H. B. and Idriss I. M. 1970. Soil moduli and damping factor for dynamic response analyses Report EERC 70-10 Earthquake Engineering Research Center University of California Berkeley. Seed . and Whitman 1970 Design of