tailieunhanh - Linux smart homes for dummies - part 8

Do chi phí thấp, khả năng thay đổi tương thích với phần cứng dễ dàng, nên nhúng Linux thường được sử dụng rất nhiều trong các hệ thống nhúng (embedded system) | Chapter 12 Staying Comfortable with Thermostat Controls 219 Waking. Up to a Warm House X10 thermostat systems can operate in the same way as programmable thermostats by using an X10 timer or you can let your computer do the timing. For more information on automating your X10 modules with your computer see Chapter 16. The X10 Mini Timer which looks like a small alarm clock and can function as an alarm clock with a snooze control sells for about 30 and can time four groups of X10 devices twice a day. You can program either your computer running MisterHouse or your X10 Mini Timer to control your thermostat system in the following ways If you re using a two-thermostat X10 control system as I describe previously with one thermostat connected to a Universal Module you can send an On signal to your Universal Module set attached to the thermostat with your comfort temperature and start heating up your home half an hour before you need to wake up. And you can send an Off signal half an hour after your expected bedtime which gives you time to warm up your sheets with your body heat before your room cools down. If you re using a Thermostat Set-back Controller described in the preceding section about half an hour before you need to wake up you can send an Off signal to it to stop fooling the thermostat into thinking the temperature is warmer than it really is and start heating the house. Then you can send an On signal about a half an hour after your bedtime. If you are using a TXB16 X10-controlling thermostat you can send the X10 code to reset the temperature for the actual degree that you want it to be before you wake up and you can send a different X10 code for a lower actual temperature after your bedtime. Saving Money with Controlled Heating Energy companies say that setting your thermostat back 4 degrees can save 35 to 50 per month in energy bills. So if you set it back 10 degrees while you aren t at home all day or asleep at home you can probably save lots of money. With