tailieunhanh - Real Estate Investment Analysis

Indian legislation covers patents, copyrights, trademarks, geographical indicators and industrial designs. The Patent Act 1970 has been amended several times to meet India’s commitments to the WTO, such as increasing the term of a patent to 20 years. Trademarks can be registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999, which provides for registration of trademark for services in addition to goods, simplifies procedures, increases the registration period to 10 years and provides a six-month grace period for the payment of renewal fees. Copyrights are protected on published and unpublished literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and film works under the Copyright Act. | Real Estate Investment Analysis Real estate finance Pricing a revenue-generating property Consider a property made of a collection of leasable units How much should a given investor pay for such a property Two approaches 1. DCF method forecast expected flows discount them 2. Ratio approach cap and GRM Both approaches require detailed cash flow data Three levels of cash-flows Before tax cash flows accrue to 1. Taxes income and capital gains 2. Debt holders 3. Equity holders After tax cash flows accrue to 1. Debt holders 2. Equity holders Equity after tax cash flows accrue to equity .