tailieunhanh - PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P91
PHP 5/MySQL Programming- P91:computer programming has often been seen as a difficult and arcane skill. Programming languages are difficult and complicated, out of the typical person’s reach. However, the advent of the World Wide Web has changed that to some extent. It’s reasonably easy to build and post a Web page for the entire world to see. The language of the Web is reasonably simple, and numerous applications are available to assist in the preparation of static pages | 428 PHP 5 MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner CHALLENGES 1. Add a module that lets the user interactively query the database. Begin with a page that allows the user to type in an agent s name and returns data based on that agent. 2. Once the basic functionality of an agent search program is done add checkboxes that allow certain agent aspects operation and skills to be displayed. 3. Build programs that allow searching on other aspects of the data including skills and operations. 4. Modify the SpyMaster database to support another data set or SQLite. Index Symbols asterisk 33 420 braces 62 66 71 79 100 198 pipeline 198 199 forward slash 33 420 backward slash 98 198 line separation character 182 line termination character 27 62 beginning extension character 17 if statement character 62 63 inside string character 30 end string indicator 199 420 Si sentry variable 99 100 103 137 variable naming character 106 198 199 increment operator 33 198 increment operator 100 - minus sign 33 assignment operator 26 32 comparison operator 197 comparison operator 62 comparison operator 62 comparison operator 62 1 comparison operator 62 . concatenation operator 159 . regular expression operator 198 - arrow syntax 233 234 script tag 12-13 98 238 265 A regular expression operator 198 access methods 234 252 256 access modifiers 188 Ace or Not program 64 66 action attributes 35 addFoils function 163 175 176 adding PHP commands 12 15 add record module 391 422 425 addTextfl function 235-237 261-262 addWord function 168 174 ad hoc list 239 administrative password 213 214 Adventure Generator program committing changes 355-356 connections 342-343 data structure 328-333 editing records 350-355 overview 300-302 segment display 343-348 viewing records 348-350 AND structure 375 376 answer key creating 223 passing 178 puzzle 177-179 Apache configuring 9 overview 5 6-7 running 9-10 starting as service 8-9 testing server 7-8 append access 224 225 application programming interface API 289-291
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