The Internet as a research vehicle presents both opportunities and challenges for psychological research. In 1985, only of US households had a personal computer, and the Internet as we now know it, with its rich array of communication, information, entertainment, and commercial services, did not exist. Since then, this exotic technology has become domesticated and is now used by the majority of Americans for personal and economic reasons (Cummings & Kraut, 2002). By September of 2001, 66% of the US population used a computer at home, work, or school, and the vast majority of these, 56% of the US population, also used the Internet (U. S | Morgan Stanley Internet Trends April 12 2010 Comments on mobile Internet include contributions from Katy Huberty Simon Flannery Ehud Geldblum Nick Deltas Naoshi Nema James Dawson Sean Gardiner Patrick Standaert Hiro Tanaka Mark Lipacis Navin Killa Vinay Jaising Yvonne Chow Jasmine Lu Bill Lu Keon Han Richard Ji Adam Holt Ben Swinburne Morgan Stanley does and seeks to do business with companies covered in Morgan Stanley Research. As a result investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of Morgan Stanley Research. Investors should consider Morgan Stanley Research as only a single factor in making their investment decision. For analyst certification and other important disclosures refer to the Disclosure Section located at the end of this report. Internet Trends Outline Stock Market Update State of the Internet. Mobile Will Be Bigger Than Desktop Internet in 5 Years Mobile Internet Deep Dive Morgan Stanley 2 Stock Market Update Morgan Stanley
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