As the next, key step in fulfilling its mission, during its third phase the Apheis programme wanted to go beyond just ensuring that its findings were scientifically valid and up-to-date. Through this next step, Apheis also wanted to make sure its findings were relevant to the needs of its chosen groups of users, or audiences; that these audiences could easily use its findings; and that, to the extent possible, these audiences would actually use the work of the many individuals who give so much of their time and energy to the Apheis programme. Indeed, it wasn't clear to us that the content and form of the. | Technical Standards to Manage Air Pollution Ontario Ministry of the Environment ii Technical Standards to Manage Air Pollution Version FOREWORD This document Technical Standards to Manage Air Pollution December 4 2009 version the Technical Standards publication sets out the requirements that facilities must follow if they are registered for a technical standard. As per section 38 of Ontario Regulation 419 05 Air Pollution - Local Air Quality a technical standard can be either an industry standard or an equipment standard. All technical standards will be made available through a website maintained by the Ministry of the Environment on the Internet and through the Ministry s Public Information Centre. The Technical Standards publication will include both industry standards and equipment standards. It will specify the classes of facilities the technical standard applies to with reference to the North American Industry Classification System NAICS codes the contaminants the technical standard applies to the steps that shall be taken to comply with the technical standard and the time periods within which the steps shall be taken. It will describe requirements relating to technology to be used at the facility the operation of the facility the monitoring and reporting of information relating to the facility and any other related matter. In the event of a conflict between this document and the references to sections in O. Regulation 419 05 the language in O. Regulation 419 05 shall be used. The contents of this document may also be updated from time to time. Any changes will be based upon public consultation consistent with the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights legislation. All web site addresses referred to in this document were current at the time of release. For any addenda or revisions to the Technical Standards publication please visit the MOE website at http or contact Ontario Ministry of the Environment Standards Development Branch 40 St.